
Quality, Trusted, & Professional Dentists


Rancho Cordova Emergency Dental Clinics

Toothaches, dental trauma, fractured, or broken tooth? We can help you restore and save your tooth. We offer a comprehensive emergency dental services across the Rancho Cordova. Let us help you bring back your wonderful smiles.

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Why Rancho Cordova Emergency Dental Clinic

Same Day & Next Day Appointments

We offer the fastest and quickest online appointment in Rancho Cordova. We aim to give you the same day and next day appointment as possible.

Trusted & Skilled Dentists

Our dentist are skilled and professionals, they work with numbers of patients everyday. We can accommodate any of your oral problem. Just give us a call.

Multiple Payment Option Available

To prevent inconvenience, we have multiple payment method from dental insurance, cash, card, or cheques. No hassle!

Available At Your Convenience

We are open to accommodate you at your convenience—weekdays, weekends, and evenings. Just book an online appointment or call us through our phone number.


Your Trusted Dentists In California

Whether you've had a car accident or suffered a ball to the face, you know the importance of dental care. While routine dental care can be handled in your regular dentist's office, a tooth emergency can lead to serious complications. An emergency dentist can stabilize the bleeding in your mouth, preserving the tooth until you can see your regular dentist again. You may need to go see Boise Emergency Dentist's as well. And if you've had a filling fall out, a missing one can expose your tooth to bacteria and debris. Ultimately, this can cause discomfort and pain.

Fortunately, many dental emergencies are preventable. The best way to avoid a dental emergency is to practice good oral hygiene and schedule regular dental exams. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once, and avoid hard candy or brittle foods. You should also drink plenty of water and avoid smoking. Even if your emergency isn't an emergency, don't wait until it's too late to schedule an appointment.

A dental emergency can be frightening. In addition to being uncomfortable, it can be hard to know how to deal with it. That's why choosing a dentist who prioritizes patient comfort is important. Emergency dental clinics in Chicago are staffed with compassionate and caring specialists who work to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible. You can even get root canals or crowns. If you're in need of an urgent dental treatment, contact us immediately.

How to Deal With Toothache

When dealing with a toothache, you need to know how to treat it in order to prevent it from getting worse. If you do not go to the dentist right away, you could risk swelling and possible abscesses. In this article, we'll explain how to treat a toothache, along with tips for reducing the pain and swelling. In some cases, you can even treat a toothache yourself.

Using a warm saltwater solution to clean the affected area will help reduce the throbbing pain. A warm saltwater solution can be made by combining one teaspoon of salt and one cup of water. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, which has the same antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as saltwater. Either of these remedies can be applied to the affected area twice a day. But remember, you must never swish this solution directly onto the tooth.

One simple home remedy to treat a toothache is to soak it in warm saltwater. Warm saltwater helps to loosen up debris from between your teeth and fight infection. Applying a cold compress for 10 minutes can provide pain relief. Be sure to wrap it in a towel so as to avoid burning your skin. Another easy method is to apply clove oil or whole cloves to the affected area. The same is true of applying cold compresses.

Drinking peppermint tea will help to reduce the pain in the affected area. It is rich in antioxidants and has a numbing effect on sensitive areas. Clove oil is an old remedy for tooth pain. Its active ingredient, eugenol, can reduce pain and swelling in the affected tooth. This remedy can also help to support the liver in fighting inflammation. These remedies are natural solutions for toothache. Need immediate dental care? Contact us for your concerns.

Dental Emergency Services

What is a dental emergency? These incidents can happen to anyone at any time, but there are some instances in which you should immediately go to the dentist. Dental emergencies are caused by many things, from bacterial or fungal infections to damaged teeth or restorations. These issues can affect your oral health, your ability to eat, and your overall appearance. This article will explain when it is necessary to see a dentist. Here are some examples of dental emergencies:

The term "dental emergency" refers to an onset of pain or intense discomfort caused by a dental issue. Although these issues are not life-threatening, they are still serious and require immediate attention. They may include tooth pain, a broken jaw, or lost fillings. It's important to see a dentist as soon as you notice a dental emergency, as these problems can worsen over time. Listed below are some common dental emergencies.

While you may have a minor dental issue that can wait, an abscess can be extremely dangerous. The infection may spread to other parts of the body if the condition isn't treated quickly. While minor dental problems can wait until you have time to visit urgent care dentist, any serious dental issue needs to be treated right away. A toothache can result in serious complications, including abscesses and other infections that can be life-threatening.

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Cost Of Dental Emergency

The first concern when dental emergency strike is how much it will cost. The cost of emergency services varies depending on the location, severity of the emergency, and the number of teeth involved. By planning ahead, you can avoid surprises later on. Here are some tips to keep in mind when estimating the cost of a dental emergency. The cost of emergency dental procedures can be intimidating, but it's important to remain calm and focused.

When a dental emergency strikes, you want to see a dentist as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the problem may become and the cost will increase. If you delay treatment, it can lead to irreversible damage. In such a case, your dentist will first diagnose the problem and develop a treatment plan that will relieve your pain. Once your dentist has a better idea of the scope of your dental emergency, they'll be able to give you an estimate of the cost.

Whether your dental emergency is an urgent matter, the cost of emergency dental care will depend on a few factors. The location of your emergency, procedure, and severity of the problem will all determine the cost of your emergency visit. A primary cause of an emergency dental visit is a dental accident or simple neglect of the teeth. Regardless of age or gender, accidents can occur and result in broken or cracked teeth. If you're in a rush to get dental care, consider purchasing dental insurance.


Sports Injury and Dental Trauma

Most sports injuries involving the mouth occur in organized sports, such as basketball, soccer, football, lacrosse, and field hockey. But even knocked-out teeth can be saved with the help of dentists. Listed below are some helpful tips for preventing dental trauma. The first step in preventing dental trauma is to make sure you are properly protected by wearing a mouthguard. It is crucial to wear a mouthguard at all times, even while playing your sport.

Another study conducted in Japan examined the relationship between the prevalence of sports-related dental injuries and self-perceived physical punishment. While physical punishment should be limited, self-perceived verbal abuse was significantly associated with sports-related dental injuries. The findings suggest that psychological distress may play a significant role in determining dental trauma among athletes. A good way to understand this relationship is to use multivariate logistic regression analysis.

While most dental injuries can be treated without surgery, they still can cause significant pain and embarrassment. In addition to the pain, sports-related dental injuries can also lead to costly lifetime dental bills. Therefore, prevention is always better than cure. Wear the proper protective equipment, including a mouthguard, and eat a balanced diet. Also, don't use drugs or tobacco products. The best way to avoid sports-related dental injuries is to avoid participating in physical activities that cause tooth and jaw pain.

Many sports-related dental injuries occur during youth sports. However, the problem is common in adults as well. Injuries to the mouth can result in tooth loss or chipped or broken teeth, and may lead to headaches. Symptoms of a sports-related dental injury may include jaw pain, toothache, and jaw aches. These symptoms can be life-threatening, as well as cause a host of other issues. We also offer full dentures or partial dentures if you needed one.

7 Common Reasons For Toothaches

Toothaches can be caused by a number of factors. The video below explores the seven most common causes and remedies for toothache. Tooth decay is a common cause of tooth pain and can range from a slight throbbing pain when you bite down on food or drink acidic beverages. If left untreated, a cavity can worsen into a more serious condition called an abscess. If left untreated, an abscess can become infected and require antibiotics, drainage, or root canal treatment.

Tooth decay

Toothache is a common symptom of many problems. The most common cause is tooth decay, which can affect anyone. Typically, the inner layer of the tooth, or dentin, is exposed when decay begins. Damage to the dentin leads to tooth sensitivity, tooth cracking, and cavities. To avoid tooth pain, get your teeth examined by a dentist. To learn more, read on.


Bruxism is a condition in which the jaw and teeth grind during sleep. Some of the telltale signs of bruxism include a sore jaw or a dull headache. Your loved ones may notice that you are grinding your teeth at night. Fortunately, a dentist can check for signs of bruxism. The dentist will be able to determine if you are grinding your teeth and whether it is the cause of your toothaches.

Heart disease

Toothaches are caused by various conditions, but the most common cause is dental decay. Left untreated, a tooth can develop an abscess, an infection near the tooth or inside the pulp. If it's severe enough, it can spread to the brain. Another cause of toothaches is impacted teeth, which don't grow in or erupt properly. Some other causes are sinusitis, a bacterial or viral infection of the sinuses.

Lung cancer

People diagnosed with lung cancer should have their teeth checked before treatment begins. This should take place at least a month before treatment begins. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums and take dental x-rays if necessary. During treatment, your jaw can become stiff and painful. These side effects may be signs that your treatment plan needs to be altered. Visiting your dentist prior to treatment is essential, as your doctor will be able to help you cope with these changes.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Toothaches can be a sign of trigeminal neuralgia, a nerve disorder. Trigeminal neuralgia affects one of three main branches of the nerve: the mandibular branch, which runs along the lower lip, jaw, and chewing muscles. In most cases, toothaches are localized to one side of the face. Symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia often occur after eating or brushing teeth.

What To Do When You Have Toothaches

Toothaches aren't something you want to live with. This article will teach you what to do when you have a toothache, including natural antiseptics, avoiding common triggers, and calling an emergency dentist. These tips will help you relieve dental pain and get back on your feet. We hope you find this article helpful! Keep reading! There are many more tips to relieve toothaches, so read on to find out what to do when you have a toothache.

Natural antiseptics

Warm saltwater is one of the most common natural toothache remedies. It contains antibacterial properties and kills germs in the mouth. This mouthwash can be gargled several times per day to relieve pain and reduce swelling caused by infection. It is especially effective when used as a mouthwash for toothaches caused by infections. You can also gargle with warm water or hydrogen peroxide. These are great toothache remedies that are easy to find in any home.

Clove oil is another good home remedy. Clove essential oil can relieve toothache pain and soothe inflammation. It also smells good, so you can apply it directly to the affected area. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly after applying the oil. Use a cotton ball or finger to apply the clove oil. Apply it to the affected area several times a day after eating. If the pain is still present, you can use a new cotton ball.

Natural anti-inflammatory remedies

Tea tree, peppermint, and thyme oils can relieve a toothache. The first two oils have antibiotic and antibacterial properties. Clove oil can be applied directly to the tooth, and it is recommended to do this every few hours. The third oil is known to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply it to the painful area with a cotton bud, and leave it on for a few minutes. You can also rub a small amount of clove oil on the painful area.

Using a cold compress can also help. Applying a cold compress on your cheek can help reduce swelling around the tooth. Alternatively, a bag of frozen peas or a bag of ice can be applied to the painful area. Keeping the cold compress on your face for at least 15 minutes a day can help alleviate the pain. It is also important to avoid smoking and chewing tobacco as they can cause tooth decay.

Avoiding foods that trigger toothaches

Whether you are suffering from a regular toothache or a severe one, it is important to stay away from certain foods that may aggravate your ailment. In addition to causing a toothache, certain foods also numb the pain. Listed below are some of these foods. Keep reading for some helpful tips on how to avoid a toothache. And if you haven't yet, here are a few food items you should avoid.

Citrus fruits are acidic, which is bad news for your teeth. The acidity will wear away the enamel and make your teeth more sensitive. So, if you're experiencing a toothache, you should avoid citrus fruit altogether. Also, try not to drink fizzy sodas or sports drinks, as these can aggravate your pain. A cold compress can help relieve some of the pain by relieving swelling and inflammation, and it can be applied periodically.

Calling an emergency dentist

While you may be tempted to head straight to the emergency room if you have a serious dental emergency, dental pain is a major cause of avoidable trips to the emergency room. Unlike a true emergency, a toothache doesn't just affect the mouth, it can also spread to other areas of the face, including the eyes and below the jaw line. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should call an emergency dentist right away.

Your emergency dentist will assess the condition of your tooth and perform any necessary procedures. Often, a filling is all that is needed to relieve your toothache. While you may feel relieved after receiving a filling, your tooth may be severely damaged or even decayed. In these cases, the dentist will numb the area and drill into the tooth to remove any decay. Then, the dentist will clean out any bacteria and disinfect the area before placing a ceramic or composite resin filling.